Battery Innovations at M&M 2023, Minneapolis | TESCAN

Unveiling Innovations in Battery Research

At the Microscopy & Microanalysis 2023 conference (M&M 2023) in Minneapolis, we highlighted our comprehensive range of solutions tailored for battery research.

Uncovering the Intricacies of Battery Components

In our poster presentation titled "3D Multi-Modal Elemental Characterization of Li-Ion Battery Components using SEM, EDS, and ToF-SIMS in the FIB-SEM Tomography," we explored the intricate composition and structure of battery components using 3D ToF-SIMS techniques.


Captivating Presentation by Emily Litt from Dragonfly Energy

Emily Litt from Dragonfly Energy, a leader in lithium-ion deep cycle batteries, delivered a captivating talk at our booth. Her deep insights into battery research sparked discussions about the future trajectory of battery technology.


M&M 2023: A Hub of Innovation and Inspiration

M&M 2023 stood out as a stellar event, inspiring attendees and fostering a culture of innovation. The discussions and shared insights will undoubtedly catalyze our ongoing endeavors in battery research.


Gratitude and Appreciation

We sincerely thank the organizers, attendees, and fellow participants for making M&M 2023 a remarkable success. To learn more about TESCAN's pioneering solutions, click the button below.


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