Visualizing fluid flow in dynamic micro-CT

Webinar: Understanding fluid flow in geological materials using Dynamic Micro-CT

Dive into the Subsurface with Real-Time Pore-Scale Imaging

Join us for a captivating webinar where we'll explore the groundbreaking advancements in dynamic micro-CT and its transformative impact on geoscience research.

In this webinar, you'll discover:

  • The Future of Subsurface Imaging: Learn how TESCAN's dynamic micro-CT systems are revolutionizing pore-scale imaging, bringing synchrotron capabilities to your lab.
  • Unraveling Pore-Scale Flow: Understand the intricate details of fluid migration through complex geological materials.
  • Real-World Applications: Explore practical applications of dynamic micro-CT in addressing critical challenges like hydrogen storage and carbon sequestration.

Don't miss this opportunity to gain insights into the latest technologies shaping the future of geoscience research.

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