The world's first dynamic micro-CT for in-situ experimental needs.


Tackle the most complex 4D in-situ characterization challenges

TESCAN DynaTOM is the world’s first and only laboratory micro-CT system dedicated for your most demanding in-situ and dynamic experiments. Dynamic imaging to non-destructively study the 4D evolution of materials and samples in their real-world environments has been a major motivation for X-ray tomography for decades. 

Where conventional micro-CT designs have fallen short, TESCAN has risen to meet this challenge with DynaTOM.


Designed for 3D in situ experiments

A Horizontally rotating source and detector and a fixed sample allow the most complex in situ apparatus to be used without cable management issues.

Perform true 4D imaging with Dynamic CT

High temporal resolution, continuous and uninterrupted scanning, and specialized 4D software tools bring synchrotron-like capabilities to the lab

Gain insights to the experiment as it is happening

Reconstruction during the experiment reduces the number of iterations for a successful test. Unique temporal reconstruction techniques allow users to fully utilize the uninterrupted data achievable through dynamic CT.


Perform true 4D imaging with Dynamic CT

High temporal resolution, continuous and uninterrupted scanning, and specialized 4D software tools bring synchrotron-like capabilities to the lab



A temporal resolution per rotation of 7.5 seconds enables such fast events to be captured (at 12.5-micron voxel size), and DynaTOM’s unique gantry-based design facilitates the application of complex flow rigs and fluid lines without risk of entanglement during continuous acquisition.


Ready to discuss TESCAN micro-CT?
Please get in touch today.

Our global team will be available to answer questions about the TESCAN line of micro-CT solutions.

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