TESCAN micro-CT solutions

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100% realtime truth.




TESCAN Dynamic micro-CT solutions

Dynamic 3D X-Ray Scans, in situ.

Faster. Better. Realtime.


Raise the bar to

100% realtime truth.




TESCAN Dynamic micro-CT solutions

Dynamic 3D X-Ray Scans, in situ.

Faster. Better. Realtime.

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Resolution, Speed, Image Quality and System Versatility in micro-CT.

Despite an ever-expanding range of additional capabilities for micro-CT systems, the key application for micro-CT remains the production of 3D datasets of a sample’s structure or composition. Whether these datasets are used to quantify material characteristics such as porosity, used as input for numerical models, or are simply being used to gain a better understanding of the interior of a sample, image quality remains paramount to obtaining reliable and reproducible results.

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Accelerate Performance. Optimize System Utilization and Throughput. 

Enhance throughput and minimize cost per sample with TESCAN micro-CT systems. Leveraging fast frame rate detectors and high flux x-ray sources, our systems deliver exceptional temporal resolution. 

   Faster Scans


Up to

30 x


With TESCAN micro-CT, acquisition times are reduced to mere seconds or minutes, instead of hours or days. This rapid screening capability allows you to quickly process a large number of samples, ensuring that only the most relevant ones proceed to further investigation. 

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Characterize Your Materials with Precision. Non-Invasive Techniques. Exceptional Image Quality. 

TESCAN micro-CT offers superior image quality in the shortest scan times. High contrast and excellent signal-to-noise ratio combined with high resolution solve all your micro-CT needs.





Spatial Resolution
down to

600 nm

on UniTOM HR

The critical scanner components—source, rotation stage, and detector—are meticulously fine-tuned and enhanced with proprietary software tools to deliver optimal imaging results. 


More about UniTOM HR




Maximum Dimensions

Scanned samples can reach dimensions of up to 1 meter in height and 60 cm in width.

Probe Dimension




Up to


TESCAN UniTOM XL covers a wide range of sample sizes and types. Combined with Volume Of Interest Scanning (VOIS) capabilities, micro-CT provides a multi-scale imaging CT solution. With a maximum sample size of 100 by 60 cm (XL).

More about UniTOM XL


Supersized Analytics. True Data.

Reveal the complete picture, layer by layer. 

Experience nondestructive, real-time insights with our intuitive tools for 3D and 4D data processing. 


Acquila enables the full use of up to 11 degrees of freedom in TESCAN micro-CT systems, allowing complex acquisition paths and dynamic CT acquisition. PantheraTM handles reconstruction and visualization of large 3D volumes and 4D data series. Special dynamic CT tools allow analysis and visualization of hundreds of datasets at a glance. All TESCAN micro-CT data is compatible with third party software packages.

Download Application Note                 download
Analysis of Sheep Femur



True 4D imaging with
TESCAN dynamic micro-CT.

Bring synchrotron-like capabilities to the lab: With high temporal resolution, continuous and uninterrupted scanning and specialized 4D software tools.



Supersized Analytics.
True Data.

Get the full picture, layer by layer. Your nondestructive, immediate truth via intuitive tools for 3D and 4D data processing.


Acquila enables the full use of up to 11 degrees of freedom in TESCAN micro-CT systems, allowing complex acquisition paths and dynamic CT acquisition. PantheraTM handles reconstruction and visualization of large 3D volumes and 4D data series. Special dynamic CT tools allow analysis and visualization of hundreds of datasets at a glance. All TESCAN micro-CT data is compatible with third party software packages.

Download Application Note                 download
Analysis of Sheep Femur



True 4D imaging with
TESCAN dynamic mico-CT.

Bring synchrotron-like capabilities to the lab: With high temporal resolution, continuous and uninterrupted scanning and specialized 4D software tools.

4D In-Situ Scan

Asset 6

TESCAN Dynamic micro-CT technology enables you to identify events in your sample with the exact time of occurrence, offering real-time, complex in-situ capabilities, recording and visualizing a multitude of physical processes — compression, torsion, tension, flow, heating, cooling, growth of forms, dissolution of liquids and many other dynamic events.

See how dynamic micro-CT can be combined with numerical modeling to fully understand material behavior.

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Application Spectrum

High Resolution


600 nm

spatial resolution

Using state-of-the art x-ray sources, precision stages and high-quality detectors, high resolution – down to 600 nm on UniTOM HR – is guaranteed on all TESCAN micro-CT systems.

Faster Scan


< 5 sec.

temporal resolution

Short scan times enable high throughput, enhance system availability and reduce the cost per sample. TESCAN micro-CT offers best-in-class scan times, often limiting scan time to minutes or less. Of course, high image quality is maintained.


Asset 2

Up to 3

detector slots

Upgrade your TESCAN micro-CT system with additional detectors. Offering higher resolution, better contrast or different imaging modalities – such as spectral micro-CT imaging. Modularity extends the lifetime of your investment

4D In-Situ Scan

Asset 6

Dynamic ready

optimized for in-situ

Unique tools for the acquisition, reconstruction and processing of 4D datasets, combined with ample connectivity possibilities for communication and interaction with complex in-situ devices.

Probe Dimensions


Samples up to 1 meter tall and 60 cm diameter can be scanned in the TESCAN UniTOM XL, without the need of any sample preparation. Using TESCAN VOIs, the sample is automatically repositioned to zoom in to any location.


Asset 3

Micro-CT is non-destructive, enabling multi-scale studies of the same sample, performing time-resolved experiments, and allowing the same samples to be investigated further using other imaging or analytical techniques.

Software Suite

Asset 4

Powerful, in-house developed software – PantheraTM and AcquilaTM – control TESCAN micro-CT systems and make the acquired data accessible and comprehensible. All data is compatible with third party software packages.

Best in performance

Asset 5

TESCAN micro-CT solutions provide a seamless integration of hard-and software to deliver fastest scan speeds, ultimate versatility and the best image quality available. Need proof? Our top-class application team would be delighted to deliver a demo!


»Never experience this speed with other systems«

Testimonial info section

Use Case Description, Reference Projects details and Customers Benefits description: Bis explacea cusae aut fugia consendae doluptis as doluptae siti coris nem ea doluptatios quisque ent qui reres debitaquis


»Dynamic micro-CT enables insights we never expected this way.«

Prof. Martine Wevers, KU Leuven

“Using dynamic micro-CT we can study processes in real-time, in 4 dimensions. It gives us unique insights in the behavior of materials, as they are exposed to different environmental conditions. Dynamic micro-CT helps us to change the world.”


Meet Prof. Martine Wevers and Dr. Jeroen Soete of KU Leuven. They share how Dynamic mico-CT is indispensable for materials engineering and more.





Accelerating voltage

Max sample size (H/W)

Scanning envelope (H/W)

Temporal resolution

Source power





System dimensions (LxWxH)




160 kV

70/50 cm

40/30 cm

< 5 seconds

50 W

High speed, med FOV
(1868 x 1488 px)

High speed, large FOV
(3024 x 1868 px)

Low attenuation
(2892x 2256 px)

2950 kg

2.06 m x 1.04 m x 2.42 m

More about UniTOM HR



3 µm

180/230 kV

110/60 cm

100/60 cm

< 3 seconds

300 W


High speed, large FOV



7500 kg

3.5 m x 1.5 m x 2.1 m

More about UniTOM XL




3 µm

130 kV

110/20 cm

48/17 cm

< 8 seconds

39 W


High speed
(1944 x 1536 px)


4950 kg

1.70 m x 1.87 m x 2.25 m

More about DynaTOM


Ready to discuss TESCAN micro-CT?
Please get in touch today.

Our global team will be available to answer questions about the TESCAN line of micro-CT solutions.

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