Integrated Measurements
Optics developed for Measurements,
Not Measurements for Optics
Optimized, multimodal, “out-of-the-box” STEM, 4D-STEM and Tomography measurements
TESCAN TENSOR provides a range of optimized, multimodal, “out-of-the-box” STEM, 4D-STEM and Tomography measurements. Applying these to your sample is as easy as pushing a button and does not require extensive experience with (S)TEM optics adjustments and alignments, scanning electron diffraction data acquisition, or 4D-STEM data analysis and processing.

STEM measurements
STEM Bright Field, Annular Dark Field and High-angle Annular Dark Field Imaging
Used primarily for sample navigation and feature size measurement, STEM images up to 1 gigapixel can be acquired quickly (up to 10 Mpixels/sec) with integrated, scintillator-based bright field and annular dark field / high-angle annular dark field detectors.
STEM Lattice Imaging
Optimized with automatically assisted alignment, you can use the STEM Lattice Imaging measurement to acquire atomic-resolution bright field (down to 2.8Å) and high-angle annular dark field (down to 3.5Å) STEM images.
Acquires elemental maps at high EDS count rates (>> 100 kcps), thanks to two symmetrically arranged, windowless EDS detectors, with a cumulative 2 steradian solid collection angle. Qualitative and quantitative EDS analysis is fully integrated in the user experience.
4D-STEM measurements
Orientation and Phase Mapping
Select the Orientation/Phase measurement for near real-time orientation, and phase mapping of single- and multi-phase polycrystalline and amorphous materials. A small electron beam (down to 1 nm) is scanned across the specimen while diffraction patterns are acquired at thousands of frames per second and are automatically indexed on the fly. Electron beam precession can be enabled with the push of a button to dramatically improve the quality of the results.
Strain Mapping
The Strain measurement combines nanobeam electron diffraction with electron beam precession to allow high-precision strain mapping in single crystals. Once a grain is tilted to a zone axis with the automation-assisted specimen tilting, a small (down to 1 nm) precessed electron beam scans across the crystal and acquires thousands of diffraction patterns. Precession improves the quality of the diffraction patterns for strain analysis by exposing more diffraction spots and producing more uniform spots. Strain maps are analyzed on-the-fly, to yield near real-time strain information to the operator.
Virtual STEM and Data Export
Virtual STEM is a highly configurable 4D-STEM measurement, that allows real-time reconstruction and visualization of STEM images from 4D-STEM datasets. Virtual spot or annular apertures can be defined by the user directly on acquired diffraction patterns, and images are reconstructed using those apertures. Alternatively, the analytical 4D-STEM dataset can be exported to open source, pixelated STEM data analysis and processing platforms, such as HyperSpy, LiberTEM or Py4DSTEM.
Tomography measurements
STEM Tomography
The STEM Tomography measurement provides assisted and automated acquisition of specimen tilt series using STEM imaging signals (BF, DF and HAADF) and reconstruction of those tilt series into 3D volume datasets. Acquired data can be exported for advanced reconstruction, analysis and visualization in a range of 3D imaging software, including TESCAN's 3D Volume Analysis software.
EDS Tomography
The EDS Tomography measurement provides assisted and automated acquisition of specimen tilt series using STEM and EDS signals and reconstruction of those tilt series into 3D elemental maps. Acquired data can be exported for advanced reconstruction, analysis and visualization in a range of 3D imaging software, including TESCAN's 3D Volume Analysis software.
Diffraction Tomography
TESCAN TENSOR can also be used for 3DED (micro-ED) diffraction tomography acquisition and analysis. A nearly parallel nanobeam, with or without precession, can be focused in a spot as small as 20 nm, and diffraction patterns are acquired while the specimen is tilted through a large range of angles, providing a superior solution for the structural analysis of synthetic or natural sub-micron and nanoparticles. The optional PETS Advanced software can be used to analyze the 3D Precession Electron Diffraction (3DPED) dataset to yield the unit cell dimensions.
TESCAN TENSOR also excels in stand-out performance from a system designed from the ground up, accessible quickly also by novel users without exhaustive training and experience in (S)TEM operational procedures. Explore by clicking any of the links below.
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