Discover TESCAN TENSOR's advanced 4D-STEM technology in our webinar series.
The TESCAN TENSOR launch in 2022 was a huge success and it seems like a very distant memory now. However, TESCAN is heading to the US this month for the Microscopy & Microanalysis (M&M) show, and we can’t wait to see all of our colleagues and customers in Minneapolis! We are humbled that so many of you are still following us since we started the TENSOR launch countdown and this channel at the M&M show last year.
We have released four webinars dedicated to TESCAN TENSOR since the launch last year and we are very happy to make them available on demand via the TENSOR website now.
These four webinars cover 360° of TESCAN TENSOR:
Webinar: A Novel Approach to the STEM User Experience
This is the best webinar to watch first. The design of TESCAN TENSOR embraces a truly innovative approach to a STEM user experience and it has been the central pilar in helping us to develop this superior technology. TESCAN TENSOR offers on-the-fly 4D-STEM analysis and data processing – all featured in this webinar on demand!
Webinar: Introduction of an Integrated, Precession-Assisted, Analytical 4D-STEM
This webinar introduces TESCAN TENSOR, the world's first integrated, precession-assisted, analytical 4D-STEM. It helps to understand the diverse range of applications of the system; the performance attributes derived from a ground-up design; and our innovative approach to system automation for the best TEM user experience. This webinar is a great intro for all of those interested in learning about the innovation and overview of the system!
Webinar: Advanced Materials Characterisation with Precession-Assisted Analytical 4D-STEM
This webinar is a showcase of STEM analytical microscopy conducted on the TESCAN TENSOR. 4D-STEM applications featured in this webinar include: STEM imaging (BF, ADF & HAADF), EDS analysis and elemental mapping, 4D-STEM orientation/phase mapping, 4D-STEM strain mapping, STEM lattice imaging, STEM tomography, EDS tomography and diffraction tomography.
Webinar: New Standards for Analytical 4D-STEM Performance
Fundamental and innovative 4D-STEM technical concepts behind the TESCAN TENSOR are covered in this webinar. If you wish to explore how analytical capabilities are seamlessly integrated and how the components within the electron optical system are synchronized to deliver the capabilities of a purpose-built 4D-STEM device – this webinar is for you!
We hope you enjoy watching these four webinars and feel free to share them with your colleagues and friends!