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TESCAN Group Acquires EXpressLO LLC

Brno, Czech Republic (November 25, 2024) TESCAN Group, a.s, a leading global manufacturer of electron microscopes and advanced scientific instruments, has acquired EXpressLO LLC, a provider of innovative FIB lift-out solutions for specimen preparation in STEM and other analytical techniques. 


“This acquisition marks a pivotal moment for TESCAN as we continue to drive innovation, growth, and workflow solutions for our customers,” said Jean-Charles Chen, CEO of TESCAN. “By combining EXpressLO’s expertise in specimen handling with our existing technology, we are well-positioned to deliver even greater value to our customers.” 

Dr. Lucille A. Giannuzzi, President of EXpressLO LLC, said, “TESCAN is the perfect partner to facilitate continued development of FIB specimen handling for a variety of environmental conditions, while fostering growth by leveraging their existing customer base. I look forward to joining the TESCAN business development team.” 

This acquisition will enable TESCAN to develop higher throughput and time-to-data TEM workflows for materials science and semiconductor customers by integrating EXpressLO’s innovative portfolio of technology and solutions with TESCAN’s recently launched new generation Gallium and Plasma FIB-SEM platforms and TENSOR (4D)-STEM imaging and analysis solutions.   

In addition, EXpressLO’s expertise in cryogenic and environmentally sensitive material handling will help TESCAN customers performing life sciences, soft materials, and battery materials research.  

TESCAN will continue to support EXpressLO’s existing customers while expanding their global outreach, offering EXLO products to any potential customer with a FIB. Manufacturing of EXpressLO’s cryogenic EXLO products will remain in the USA. 




TESCAN was established in 1991 and has grown from a 4-5 engineer start-up initially, to a company with more than 700 employees working from more than 10 facilities in 8 countries. We are a leading player in charged-particle optical instrumentation, including Scanning and Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (SEM & STEM), Focused Ion Beam (FIB) and X-ray Computed Tomography (micro-CT), with more than 4000 instruments sold and operational in more than 80 countries.  


In 2013, it expanded by merging with ORSAY PHYSICS, a French global leader in customized focused ion and electron beam technologies, and in 2018 by acquiring XRE, a Belgian innovator in the field of Dynamic and micro-CT technologies. A further, more recent milestone was the acquisition in 2023 of TESCAN ORSAY HOLDING and all its subsidiaries by CARLYLE, a US private equity company. TESCAN GROUP is headquartered in Brno, Czech Republic, where most of our instruments are expertly assembled, tested, and shipped to customers across the globe. 


About EXpressLO LLC: 


EXpressLO LLC, founded by Dr. Lucille A. Giannuzzi, specializes in FIB specimen preparation with expertise in lift-out methods for STEM and other applications. Dr. Giannuzzi is a recognized leader in the field, with over 150 publications, multiple patents, and Fellowships in AVS, MSA, and MAS. 


Press Contact     

For further information, interview requests, or media inquiries, please contact:     

Linda Bilal, Senior Global Marketing Manager    


Marketing Department     

TESCAN GROUP, a.s.; Libušina tř. 21; 623 00 Brno – Kohoutovice; Czech Republic     

Phone: +420 530 353 478, Email: 

Want a virtual demo?

Our global team is available to answer questions about TESCAN FIB-SEMs and other solutions from TESCAN.